Home / Comunidad Materna en Utah WIC CIAO Project


Comunidad Materna en Utah’s project aimed to incorporate WIC outreach and enrollment support into their doula program, which serves communities near Salt Lake City. 

Over the course of the project, they  expanded partnerships with organizations that serve young children (e.g., Early Head Start) and used community-level data gathered through focus groups to inform outreach messaging and social media. 

 By leveraging doulas’  personal relationships and visits with families, the project was able to overcome barriers to participation such as misconceptions and lack of awareness. 

Lessons learned are transferable to other doula and home-visitation programs. 

Grant Duration

18 months

Organization(s) Funded

Comunidad Materna en Utah


  • Utah

Organization Type

Nonprofit Entity

Strategies Used

Conduct Outreach Using Community-Level Data, Expand Partnerships

