Home / Gads Hill Center WIC CIAO Project


Gads Hill Center (GHC) conducted WIC outreach, recruitment, and engagement for families in the city of Chicago. 

By utilizing their diverse team of culturally competent early education staff, robust referral network, resources, and education for new parents, and their relationships with the surrounding neighborhood, GHC identified families who were eligible for WIC and helped them enroll and participate in the program. 

GHC’s participation in WIC outreach efforts serves as a model for other Early Childhood Education providers nationwide. Their project provided precedent and insight for best practices for  engagement with clients, coordination between HS/EHS providers and WIC offices, and innovative strategies for collaboration with Early Childhood providers at the state and local levels. 

Grant Duration

18 months

Organization(s) Funded

Gads Hill Center


  • Illinois

Organization Type

Nonprofit Entity

Strategies Used

Conduct Outreach Using Community-Level Data, Expand Partnerships

