Home / Hawai’i Children’s Action Network WIC CIAO Project


Hawaii Children’s Action Network (HCAN) aimed  to increase WIC awareness, enrollment, and retention by reducing or eliminating cultural, linguistic, and information barriers among families across the State of Hawaii. 

With guidance from a Family Leadership Council and ongoing focus groups and surveys, HCAN e developed and promoted materials that reduced  barriers to WIC enrollment. 

Their partnerships with non-profit health communications organizations and a Hawaii statewide coalition of organizations  aided in dissemination and project development. 

 HCAN’s WIC awareness, eligibility, enrollment, and retention materials are readily accessible to the WIC network throughout Hawaii, the continental U.S., and U.S. territories. 

Grant Duration

18 months

Organization(s) Funded

Hawai'i Children's Action Network


  • Hawaii

Organization Type

Nonprofit Entity

Strategies Used

Conduct Outreach Using Community-Level Data, Expand Partnerships

