Kentucky Youth Advocates (KYA) aims to increase WIC participation and reduce barriers that prevent kinship caretakers from accessing WIC for their children and minimize WIC participant drop off of benefits for Latinx families and kinship families.
KYA will adapt outreach materials including flyers, social media campaigns, and toolkits to ensure that they are culturally competent and relevant.
With long-standing partnerships with the Kentucky Equal Justice Center and the Kentucky Center for Economic Policy, KYA will tap into unique community connections and expertise to develop tailored outreach solutions and bring critical legal expertise to address barriers.
In addition, this project is community-based, guided by a steering committee comprised of 15 WIC participants from many geographical areas of the state and the priority population.
Lessons learned will inform work for other organizations serving grandfamilies and kinship- care families, an important and underserved priority population in WIC.