Home / Southcentral Foundation WIC CIAO Project


Southcentral Foundation’s (SCF) project aims to increase WIC participation and awareness among Alaska Native and American Indian (AN/AI) communities in Alaska.

SCF will produce culturally appropriate outreach materials, out-station WIC staff in new Tribal locations, and integrate WIC outreach into multiple existing programs, including the Nutoqsiivik visiting nurse program, the Parent Partner Program, and addiction services.

Throughout these outreach efforts, SCF will integrate an innovative new form into their WIC data system to create data analytics that will guide ongoing WIC outreach and evaluate the success of their project.

As SCF is an AN/AI-owned-and-operated organization, WIC clients will be able to receive services from an organization that is committed to co-ownership and AN/AI representation.

The evaluation results will inform the use of these strategies by other WIC agencies, by Indian Tribal Organizations, the healthcare sector, and community partners.

Grant Duration

18 months

Grant Amount


Organization(s) Funded

Southcentral Foundation


  • Alaska

Organization Type

WIC Local Agency, Nonprofit Entity

Project Priority Population

  • Native American, American Indian, and Alaska Native Communities

Strategies Used

Conduct Outreach Using Community-Level Data, Expand Partnerships

