Tennessee Justice Center’s (TJC) project aims to improve redemption of WIC benefits, increase WIC awareness, and increase WIC participation among Black and Latino families, immigrant families, and families with limited-English proficiency.
Focus groups and community surveys will inform outreach methods and ways to improve the WIC referral process. TJC will join forces with the Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition, Latino Memphis, the Vanderbilt Primary Care Clinic, and the Tennessee Grocers & Convenience Store Association to form the core WIC Champion team in this work.
These diverse, community-based partnerships, which include healthcare providers, grocers and food retailers, and individuals who participate in WIC who will provide critical information and contribute to a collective effort to market WIC to the priority populations.
Stakeholder groups within TJC’s core WIC Champion team are also represented in other states, making this model replicable and transferable.